Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Hayesville, NC wins national award for work at nexus of climate and poverty
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Hayesville, NC wins national award for work at nexus of climate and poverty
Energy saving volunteers in North Carolina work at nexus of climate and poverty
Community Inspiration Winner of IPL’s Cool Congregations Challenge
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
Hayesville, North Carolina
CO2 Reduction: 33 metric tons/year
Prevents: 35,000 lbs. of coal from being burned
Families helped: 40 and counting
Percent CO2 Reduction: 10-20% per household
A group of around ten climate concerned volunteers from Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and the Hayesville community are answering a combined moral calling to help the poor and be good stewards of Creation. Working with local poverty and charity organizations, they have helped 40 disadvantaged families reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy bills. After a referral is identified, the volunteer team performs a free energy assessment, identifies sources of free or low cost materials, locates sources of funding, and then provides free labor to get the job done. Upgrades include such things as LED lighting, weather stripping, insulation, and replacing inefficient heating and cooling systems. Some of the work is done in conjunction with the Hinton Center which operates a retreat / mission center in the local community and which brings in mission teams from all over the country as part of their work. Good Shepherd will be integrating its efforts with the Hinton Center so that a side benefit will be that volunteers from Hinton will learn some exposure to the energy saving approaches and ideas.