NEWS RELEASE: Eagle Solar & Light Becomes First Solar Energy Lessor in North Carolina
NEWS RELEASE: Eagle Solar & Light Becomes First Solar Energy Lessor in North Carolina
We hope this inspires communities of faith to take advantage of this opportunity to access solar panels without having to put any money down!
RALEIGH, NC (October 16, 2018) — On Monday, the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) approved Eagle Solar & Light to become the first licensed solar electric generator lessor in North Carolina. The leasing of solar energy facilities is a critical component of the bipartisan House Bill 589, “Competitive Energy Solutions for North Carolina,” which was passed by the NC General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Cooper in July 2017.
While North Carolina has experienced dramatic growth in utility-scale solar over the past decade, it, unfortunately, lags far behind other states in rooftop solar. HB589 will help meet customers’ demand for rooftop solar by not only allowing leasing but also by offering NC Solar Rebates for some Duke Energy residential, commercial and non-profit customers who install rooftop solar until 2022.
Susannah Tuttle, Director of NC Interfaith Power and Light (NCIPL) remarked on the occasion, “We are relieved that North Carolina finally has a leasing option to help provide opportunities towards meeting demand for rooftop solar power. I am glad that the General Assembly, our Governor, and many stakeholders recognized the need and am grateful for Eagle Solar & Light taking this first step in being approved by NCUC as an official lessor.”
NCIPL is a program of the North Carolina Council of Churches, comprised of 27 distinct judicatories from 18 denominations with 1.5 million congregants across the state.
Sam Yates, CEO of Eagle Solar and Light, stated that “A fair and transparent lease, coupled with the NC Solar Rebates can be an excellent opportunity for non-profit groups and others to reap both the benefits of solar power. We look forward to partnering with congregations, community development partners, and others who want to contribute to a greener future”.
Eagle Solar & Light has been active in North Carolina since 2016, and now has offices in Highlands and Chapel Hill. Eagle Solar & Light is a regional leader in architecturally-advanced, aesthetically-designed solar energy systems and energy saving products that offer long-term economic benefits. For more information please contact Scott Alexander at
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